Artwork Submission Declaration Form

Artist Information


Artwork Information



I hereby declare that:

  1. Originality: The artwork submitted is my original work and has not been copied from any other source.

  2. Rights and Permissions: I hold all necessary rights to the artwork and have not infringed on any intellectual property rights in its creation. If my artwork includes elements that are not my original creations (such as images, symbols, or text), I have obtained the necessary permissions to use them and will provide proof.

  3. Consent for Use: In submitting this artwork for consideration by the City and District of Thunder Bay Youth Wellness Hub, I agree that if my artwork is selected, it will be used as part of the organization's branding and marketing materials, including but not limited to the organization's logo, website, social media, and promotional materials.

  4. Acknowledgment of Terms: If my artwork is selected, I understand that the City and District of Thunder Bay Youth Wellness Hub will obtain the rights to use, reproduce, and display the artwork along with creatively integrating elements of this artwork into the development of their overall branding. This includes the incorporation into their theme, color schemes, template designs, watermarks, and the foundational design of the website, social media platforms, and the official YWHO logo. In exchange, I will receive a monetary prize as compensation for my work.

  5. Indemnification: I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City and District of Thunder Bay Youth Wellness Hub from and against any claims, damages, losses, and expenses arising out of any breach of the above declarations.