Parenting Programs

Positive parenting practices can have a significant impact on a child's development. Some caregivers require assistance to understand child development, meet the needs of their children, and to manage child/adolescent behavioural concerns. Parenting programs provide caregivers with knowledge, resources, and support to develop parenting skills to enhance child and family well-being. For this reason, parenting programs may be the most appropriate option for families who need support. Children's Centre Thunder Bay (CCTB) offers a wide range of programming for parents, caregivers, and families to help them develop essential knowledge and the skills to meet the needs of the children and youth in their care. 

Programs Offered 

Circle of Security Parenting 

Circle of Security Parenting is an evidence informed program aimed to promote caregiver's confidence. This is accomplished by teaching caregivers the benefit of making interactions with their children more purposeful. The program helps caregivers understand what their child's behaviour is telling them and how to respond effectively to reduce challenging behaviour. 


Triple P Parenting 

The goal of Triple P is to teach caregivers how to create a positive, caring relationship with their children. This multi-level strategy aims to prevent severe behavioural, emotional, and developmental problems in children by enhancing the knowledge, skills, and confidence of parents. The Triple P model incorporates various levels of intervention.  Children's Centre Thunder Bay offers the following Triple P Parenting Programs: 

  • Standard Triple P: For caregivers of children typically between the ages of 2 to 12 years of age with more severe behavioural difficulties. 
  • Teen Triple P: For caregivers of adolescents from 12 to 16 years of age. However, the age ranges to access this program are 9 and up. The program targets a broad range of teenage problem behaviours or developmental issues. 
  • Triple P Fear-Less: Relevant for all caregivers however developed specifically for caregivers of children between the ages of 6 and 14 years of age who are experiencing difficulties managing the clinically significant anxiety of their child/youth.  


Mindful Parenting 

Mindful Parenting aims to enhance caregiver and child/youth relationships to support children/youth to manage intense emotion dysregulation and enhance their well-being. Participants learn a variety of evidence informed strategies to understand the struggles of their child/youth and strategies to support them, manage their own emotional responses, and enhance communication and relationships. 

Our staff will work closely with you to determine the program or group best suited to your needs. 

For more information, or to make a referral for services, please call the Access Network at 1-855-486-5037, or The Supervisor of Parenting Services at Children's Centre Thunder Bay at 807-346-6260.  


Peer Support Group for Parents & Caregivers

In partnership with Parents for Children's Mental Health (PCMH), we offer a drop-in support group for parents and caregivers who are raising children and youth with mental health challenges. The group meets monthly at the Canada Games Complex. Email for more information.


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